Awaken Your Inner Genius


The following testimonials have been transferred over from the original website. The dates and names have been preserved for authenticity.


Feedback / Update: Listening to UD 3.0 and Inner Genius on a playlist before sleep, some mornings upon waking I notice the headphones are no longer on my ears, and I haven't been able to listen to the mp3's night after night. Despite the above, I've noticed a change in my disposition and thinking (likely related to the Inner Genius mp3). I've grown somewhat impatient due to being able to tell the point that someone's trying to make - before they make it. I've become more prone to asking questions, more assertive, less reserved. I can grasp concepts quicker, and overall feel like my mental processing speed has increased. It's like a continuous intellectual high. On nights where I was unable to listen to either mp3, I do feel slightly disadvantaged and slower. Hoping to start this week off correctly with nightly listening for 3 weeks.

- DL


I've just finished using the Inner Genius Subliminal, and it has worked as advertised. I don't get nearly as overwhelmed anymore by masses of information that I have to use (ex. Taxes and Bank info) I find that I am becoming more and more able to build useful mental structures and allow everything to fall into place. And that's for big things (to me). Most stuff just makes sense instantly and I'm used to that by now. I'm also noticing my memory is better. There have been many times where I could recall a phone number or street address based on a feeling. I'm also a master at remembering driving directions. My favorite part of all is that my personal evolution has accelerated because I can figure things out much more quickly. I have lots of epiphanies.

- Joseph M.


Quick testimonial on the subliminal genius session. I found it very helpful in that I'm reading deeper, and easier. I'm also finding that my mind is able to solve puzzles faster, as I've improved my ability to do Kakuro puzzles at much faster rates consistently! I add it back in every couple of weeks since my first 3 weeks, and I'm not sure if there's a boost, but I'm certainly more focused.

-Dr. Edward S.


I have been faithfully listening the the photographic memory and inner genius subliminals. As with anything of this nature, it's hard to give quantitative data. I do have some anecdotal evidence of the results though. I'm taking Medical Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Statistics online right now. It seems that I'm picking up on definitions and concepts more quickly. I've had a few "ah hah!" moments. I've been stumped on a few papers/concepts, turned on the inner genius mp3, and then everything started to make sense. Again, not really scientific evidence. But I attribute it to the mp3s, and I'm very grateful for that. -Ben


The genius track is going OK but I haven't really given it a proper go yet, just a few listens. I was a little hesitant at first because the last thing I need is to use my brain more. I think waaay to much and tend to burn myself out. However, curiosity got the better of me and I gave it a go. The result was really cool! The ceaseless internal monologue finally shut up for a change and I was able to focus clearly and calmly on the task at hand. I actually switched off all the superfluous mind chatter that burns energy and was much more focused on the task at hand and relaxed. Nice one! I also noticed that the way I spoke to people changed, conversations seemed to flow more effortlessly and my vocabulary was more varied. It seems that the Genious Mp3 took away all the unnecessary tension and stress and allowed the important stuff to just flow. I'll listen to the Mp3 more regularly when I know I can get in a least 10 days in a row. I also lent my ipod to mum one day and she gave it a listen. She'd been dreading doing her tax for ages. After listening to the genius track and getting in the zone she plowed right through a few years worth of bookkeeping and was pleased and even astounded with herself :) -Lucas C.


Inner Genius - This I probably listen to the least, but I have noticed that I think a little more clearly on the spot and I'm better at critical thinking. When I'm at clinical, the person I'm with will usually ask my random questions about what I'd do for this patient or that patient, what would I do in an forth and so on, you know. And I used to get really nervous to the point I'd blank out and say something stupid. Now I'm easily able to think through stuff and give the best answer I can, right or wrong. I also did awesome in my interview two weeks ago, and that was with all the Respiratory Directors of the four Main Line health hospitals all at the same time! I was super nervous, but as soon as I sat down and got myself together, things where just coming out of my mouth perfectly. - Ja-Neil


Hey Talmadge, Just letting you know this genius product is amazing, got some really good feedback for you and about whats been happening, The other day I was purchasing a condo (unit) In Thailand. When we were sitting down to sign all the papers I felt this wired feeling in my head where I felt everything slowed down and I had time to think everything clear, you wont believe this but when I opened my mouth, said few words, I felt like I knew exactly what to say, how to act to get a good response and another discount AGAIN. I made the girl think, she went back to talk to her "manager", when she was back, there I was saving my self a few more grand. I like it what ever it is, its definitely having an effect in what I do and in my day to day life. -John


Hey there!!!, So I've been listening to your latest hypnosis track ( unlock inner genius ), and it's REALLY great. I've noticed sudden changes to what I allow myself to say in public. I feel like I'm accepted when I speak, like what I say is actually valuable. For real! I even scored a date with someone my impressing him with my ideas ! No joke! oh yeah, and this is just the beginning! Are you speaking to me through the white noise? because I feel like I was consciously trying to understand what you were sayingbut ultimately I gave up and did nothing at all, at one point I might have heard singing (in my head) but you said it's supposed to make you a genius right? I don't necessarily believe I'm becoming more of a genius, but it's certainly allowing me to feel free-er from my own mindblocks and say what I feelwhich in turn makes me a genius, cuz I really am This recording also changed my perceptions of what a genius is. because being smart doesn't ONLY mean one can collect information and connect it in a new interesting fashion, you also have to have real passion in whatever it is you do. the space in our brain will always be spacious, not full of logic or proofs or whatever, but total black space -Mel
Date Added: 11/20/2016 by talmadge h.


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